Eintauchen. Partout Parcours  /  Solo Exhibition Part2Gallery - Düsseldorf      (english below)
to Jan 31

Eintauchen. Partout Parcours / Solo Exhibition Part2Gallery - Düsseldorf (english below)

Eintauchen. Partout Parcours / Solo Exhibition Part2Gallery

The large-format paintings by Canadian artist David Antonides immerse us in the harmonious drama of the big city. Swept along by the natural laws of water, pigments and paper penetrate and combine in his paintings, structured by the previously applied oil-based ink. The result is a unique structure in which the dense watercolor technique is joined by robust contours reminiscent of calligraphy.

Familiar urban shapes emerge through contrast and nuance, a second glance deciphers these chimeras. In David Antonides' works, everything physical is only hinted at, but through this abstraction the iconic becomes universal. A fascinating attraction to the urban becomes palpable and Partout Parcours becomes a sensual experience of the collective unconscious.

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